
Smart Home, Smarter Energy

Your home's intelligent energy assistant for comfort, savings, and peace of mind.
Back up mode sunny mobileBack up mode raining mobile
Time of Use Mode on peaktime of use on peak mobileTime of Use Mode off peaktime of use off peak mobile
Self-Consumption ModeSelf-Consumption sunny mobileSelf-Consumption ModeSelf-Consumption raining mobile
Backup mode

During power outages, TeraHive automatically switches to battery power, ensuring uninterrupted electricity for essential appliances and devices, providing peace of mind and safety for your home or business.

time-of-use mode

TeraHive strategically manages energy usage based on time-of-day electricity rates. It charges your battery when rates are low and discharges during peak hours, minimizing your electricity costs and maximizing savings.

self consumption mode

Prioritize self-generated energy, like solar power, to maximize independence from the grid. TeraHive intelligently balances your energy usage to prioritize self-consumption, reducing your reliance on external power sources.


Boost Savings with Federal and State Tax Benefits

Federal Tax Credits
Enjoy a 30% federal tax credit on the cost of your TeraHive system. This credit directly reduces your tax liability, making your investment even more affordable.
State Incentives
Explore additional savings through state-level incentives like tax breaks, rebates, and other programs designed to promote clean energy adoption.
Utility Programs
Participate in "Virtual Power Plant" programs offered by many utilities. By allowing limited access to your battery during peak demand, you can earn additional rebates and further reduce your energy costs.
*For a detailed estimate of the gross and after-incentives net price of the TeraHive Energy Suite, please contact a local installer.

Common Homeowner Questions

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How will TeraHive save me money on my energy bills?

TeraHive's AI-powered system learns your energy habits, optimizes usage, and prioritizes clean energy sources like solar to lower your costs.

What happens if the power goes out? Will my home still have electricity?

Yes, TeraHive seamlessly provides backup power from its energy storage system, ensuring your essential appliances and devices keep running.

Is TeraHive compatible with my existing solar panels?

TeraHive is designed to integrate smoothly with a variety of energy sources, including your existing solar panels, to maximize your energy efficiency.

How much maintenance does TeraHive require?

TeraHive is designed to be virtually maintenance-free. Our intelligent software handles the complex optimizations, so you don't have to.

Is TeraHive easy to use and control?

Absolutely! TeraHive comes with an intuitive app that lets you monitor and control your energy usage from anywhere, giving you complete peace of mind.


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