
Homeowner App

Your central hub for managing your entire TeraHive system, monitoring energy usage, customizing settings, and receiving alerts.

Take Control with the TeraHive App

The TeraHive App puts you in control of your entire energy ecosystem.  With an intuitive interface, you can easily monitor your energy consumption in real-time, track your savings, and customize your energy preferences. Receive alerts about power outages, energy usage spikes, and system updates, so you're always informed and in control. The TeraHive App makes managing your energy simple, convenient, and empowering.

  • Energy Monitoring: Monitor your energy generation and usage from solar, the grid, batteries and EV chargers. This provides instant information about how much energy your device consumes, helping you understand your power usage.
  • Energy Control: Real-time control of home energy devices including your battery and EV chargers.
  • Data Visualization: Converts complex energy data into easy-to-understand formats such as graphs and charts. This makes it easy to track electricity usage, spot trends, and understand the impact of energy-saving efforts.
  • Demand Forecasting: AI-powered demand forecasting models can analyze historical energy usage patterns, weather data, and other relevant factors to predict future energy demand accurately. 
  • Personalized Recommendations (TBD): AI-driven software can analyze individual customer usage patterns and preferences to provide personalized recommendations for optimizing energy usage, reducing waste, and maximizing cost savings. This helps homeowners make informed decisions about their energy consumption habits.
  • Energy Optimization: AI algorithms can continuously analyze real-time data from energy systems, including production, consumption, and grid conditions, to optimize energy usage and distribution in real-time. This ensures efficient operation and maximizes the utilization of renewable energy sources.

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