
Energy Evolved

TeraHive is your solution for lower energy bills, reliable backup power, and a reduced carbon footprint.

Energy Is Changing Forever, Are You Ready?

The world is electrifying, and power bills are rising. Are you prepared to ensure uninterrupted power for your home, save money on energy costs, and embrace a sustainable energy future?


Average households could save on energy with a smart energy system. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy)


Homes with solar panels and battery storage will increase property resell values by 4.1%. (Source: Zillow)


Energy costs are rising and expected to grow by 50% in the next 8 years. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy)

Power Up, Never Power Down

Don’t let blackouts control your life. TeraHive provides reliable backup power, seamlessly integrating various energy sources like solar and the grid, to provide you with reliable, uninterrupted power.
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Seamless Blackout Protection

During a power outage, TeraHive instantly switches to battery power, ensuring your lights, refrigerator, and essential appliances stay on without interruption.

Remote Monitoring and Control

While you’re away, TeraHive alerts you to any power fluctuations or potential outages, allowing you to remotely manage your energy usage and ensure your home or business remains safe.

Weather-Aware Management

In anticipation of coming storms and extreme weather events, TeraHive automatically begins charging your battery until full, ensuring you'll have power when you need it most.

Smart Energy, Smart Savings

Outsmart your energy costs. TeraHive has intelligent software that learns your family’s habits and preferences, anticipates your needs, and optimizes usage to maximize savings.
Smart Energy, Smart SavingsSmart Energy, Smart Savings mobile
Time-of-Use Optimization

TeraHive learns when electricity rates are lowest and automatically charges your battery during those times. It then discharges the stored energy during peak hours, when rates are highest, so you’re always using the cheapest power possible.

Smart Appliance Scheduling

TeraHive can intelligently schedule energy-hungry appliances like your dishwasher, washing machine or electric vehicle charger, to run during off-peak hours when electricity is less expensive.

Solar Surplus Maximization

If you have solar panels, TeraHive ensures you get the most out of them by storing excess energy for later use, instead of selling it back to the grid at a lower rate.

Energy for a Cleaner Tomorrow

Make every watt count for a healthier planet. Drawing power from home batteries instead of the grid during peak demand means less use of coal or gas "peaker plants," and cleaner air for your community. Your choices matter.  
Energy for a Cleaner TomorrowEnergy for a Cleaner Tomorrow mobile
Peak Demand Reduction

During times of high demand, TeraHive can intelligently adjust your usage and even deliver its stored energy back to the grid. This supports the grid with clean power, minimizing the use of dirty fossil fuel plants.

Carbon Footprint Tracker

TeraHive provides detailed insights into your energy usage, showing you exactly how much you’re reducing your carbon emissions by switching to clean energy sources.

Clean Energy Prioritization

TeraHive intelligently prioritizes using renewable energy sources whenever available, such as solar or wind power, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing your carbon footprint.

Energy Insights

Welcome to Energy Insights – your guide to energy independence. Discover tips, trends, and cutting-edge technology to help you take control of your energy future.

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